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AAS Emergency Management

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AAS Emergency Management 2023-07-11T13:35:48+00:00

AAS Emergency Management

Emergency Management workersThe Emergency Management (HSEM) Associate degree is designed to prepare the next generation of emergency management and policy leaders with the knowledge and skills they need to improve outcomes in disasters of all types. This online degree program trains you to oversee emergency planning and training programs, coordinate disaster response and recovery efforts, and navigate the administrative and technical demands of disaster and emergency management efforts.

This training is applicable to all emergency services fields, businesses, and industries, and prepares students to work in any hazard emergency environment—natural or technological. Careful consideration is also given to help students understand related socioeconomic and cultural diversity issues, preparing them to succeed in all situations and environments.

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View this short video to better understand the role of an Emergency Manager.

View this short video to better understand the role of an Emergency Manager.

Emergency Management (EM) degree program is an online program taught by professionals in the field and available to students nationally and internationally to develop a vital new career or enhance your current profession. To enroll in the EM degree program, contact Mary Weir, EM Program Coordinator at (206) 592-4168. She will set up an appointment to review your academic and prior learning assessment records.

 Download the Emergency Management AAS Info Card (pdf)

Degree Requirements